A recipe has no soul, you as the cook must bring soul to the recipe. – Thomas Keller
CVTips…The 5 Step Recipe to Successful Temping!
Are you a travelling spirit?
…perhaps that’s why temporary work appeals to you. You might have upcoming plans to vacation, go back to school, commit to that DIY project, or move farther away later in the year. For those who need to feel a heavy dose of extreme flexibility in the workplace, the idea of committed, long term, full time employment can feel intensely incompatible. You need a steady flow of dependable income, yet a healthy dose of future freedom! And this is where the beauty of being a temp comes in. However, there’s a flipside to such flexibility. You can have your cake and eat it too, but remember, you’re the one who’s got to serve it with care!
What do we mean? Here at Hall Recruitment, we offer a table full of main course permanent jobs but we also serve an abundance of smaller appetizers.. the temporary job opportunities. However, if certain ingredients are left out of an applicant’s recipe for success, an individual who seemed to be the perfect choice for a role might just end up letting us, our clients, or worst of all, themselves down. However, we truly want our temps to thrive and work often, excelling at every job they book, and provided these 5 steps for success are followed, you’ll be cooking up temporary work assignments in no time!
Tip #1…

When your temp application first lands in our inbox, we want to know all about your work goals and your availability. What is your desired schedule, and more importantly, your actual preferred type of roles? How far away are you from the jobs you’re seeking, and how far a distance are you actually willing to travel to from home? What type of transport do you currently rely on?
A successful temp stays booked because they love the in-office experience. (Remote and hybrid opportunities don’t usually align with temp assignments.) Being flexible is key, and our most bookable temps are not only those who are the most moveable, but also those who welcome new experiences and scenarios with optimistic enthusiasm. And of course, you’ve got to be legally employable in Ireland. Many excellent candidates we review unfortunately do not possess the proper work visa’s. All of these points should be thoughtfully considered before you apply for a role.
Tip #2…
Temp workers definitely have a recurring, specific list of skills that we require and count on. First off, anyone with a wider range of customer service in their background, and experience with incoming/outgoing calls and emails will already be way ahead of their competition. Knowing how to be of adaptable use to your new colleagues, having a basic typing speed, a knowledge of microsoft office programs like word, excel and others will set you apart from the rest, which further expands your chances for more job placements.
For those who wish to add or brush up on their computer skills, the European Computer Driving Licence courses (ECDL) are internationally recognized as a qualification that awards a standard level of computer competence which you can then add to your CV. ECDL Programmes cover most office applications and general PC usage. The versatility you gain from these programs make all the attractive difference in bookability and financial compensation. Knowing how to use these tools will generate an image of versatile dependability and your services will be requested and utilized by our clientele again and again.

Tip #3…

It may not feel easy to mention your calendar conflicts or a lack of permanent availability right off the bat, however we want that up front, honest communication right from the very beginning so we can better serve you and our clients. We wish to understand and represent the real you early on, and reliable information about your employment likes and dislikes is always appreciated. An upright mindset unites the temp and employment agency as one. Be clear if a short term temporary work assignment we’ve offered is not right for you, as these roles, are much harder to refill with last minute notice. A guaranteed recipe for a temp’s success will blend together punctuality, trustworthiness, hard work, helpful attitudes, and patience. It’s this formula for integrity that unites the temp to the the recruiter, and ensures the clients confidence in All of us.
Tip #4…
When it comes to the workplace, people look first, and everything else comes second. You may be able to type 80 competitive words per minute in your sleep, but it won’t make a difference if you look like you’ve just rolled out of bed! Every workplace may be different, but the general rule for cleanliness and hygiene remains the same. A company wants their employees to visually set their customers and co-workers at ease. Smartly modest, and professionally dressed choices creates a projected respect for your colleagues and the workplace. Proper hygiene is no exception. When it comes to appearance, don’t forget those secondary senses that follow us to work after that morning shower. It takes an aware individual to possess the deeper understanding that colognes and hairsprays might make them feel good, but those aromas never ask for other people’s consent. It’s polite and thoughtful to remember that your own appearance stretches from you to your shared work space.

Tip #5…

With the pandemic shutdown behind us, getting back out into the real world has been a welcome change, and we’ve seen that experience creating an attitude of gratitude for in-person work opportunities. Work life and a return to the office environment in back in a big way. More than any other candidate though, a temp must possess the desire for shared company space, and the diverse interactions that come along with it. A good attitude while transitioning from one short term assignment to the next sets you up for continual bookings. If you keep a positive outlook, multiple jobs will be placed on the table in front of you. But it’s your own skillsets, follow through, self aware attitude and personal ethos that will serve you the tastiest jobs.