Stepping Out of Your Shadow At Work

- 1. HBR – What to Do When Your Boss Is Ignoring You.
- 2. The Irish Times – Enhance Your Visibility At Work
- 3. Psychological Science – Workplace Ostracism More Distressing than Harassment.
- 4. Frontiers in Psychology – Consequences of Workplace Ostracism: A Meta-Analytic Review
Stop me if this has happened to you. You’re in a meeting at work, brainstorming about ways to improve business and sales for the next quarter. You make an input into the discussion about a way to enhance the company’s revenue stream only to be dismissed by your manager. Minutes later your colleague makes the same suggestion, and your manager thinks it’s a wonderful idea and tasks them with leading the project. You leave the meeting feeling disgruntled, disrespected, and promising yourself that you will apply for a new job the moment you get home.
When it comes to our workplace wellbeing it’s important that we give it the priority it deserves. This disheartening situation from the example above is unfortunately a common occurrence amongst most workers and has happened to all of us at least once in our professional careers. Repeated instances can lead to workplace ostracism, and subsequent depression in the workplace. We all deserve to feel engaged at work and to be treated with the respect and recognition for our efforts by our employers and co-workers.
We hope that by sharing this information it gives you the tools to address these issues, or the courage to speak to someone about making a change.
Here are some excellent articles which discuss the topic of workplace ostracism in greater detail.
Top 4 Articles About Workplace Ostracism
1. HBR – What to Do When Your Boss Is Ignoring You.

2. The Irish Times – Enhance Your Visibility At Work

3. Psychological Science – Workplace Ostracism More Distressing than Harassment.

4. Frontiers in Psychology – Consequences of Workplace Ostracism: A Meta-Analytic Review

Here are some excellent articles which discuss the topic of depression in the workplace and how to cope.
Top 4 Articles About Depression in the Workplace
1. HBR – How to Manage an Employee with Depression

2. Forbes – Mental Health In The Workplace: The High Cost Of Depression

3. The New York Times – When Your Job Harms Your Mental Health

4. World Health Organization – Mental Health at Work