As our economy takes its first tentative steps towards recovery, employers will seek to fill roles and augment staff. Many of those staff will have been driven into new careers while in lockdown. As the great reopening gathers pace more job opportunities will be created; so, too, will this hoped-for return to normality — and the expected reversal in economic fortunes that will follow in its wake — bring countless numbers of applicants into the job seekers market. It’s about to get very busy for recruitment agencies in Dublin.

Candidate Abundance
It will be this abundance of candidates who will drive the job search market in Ireland onto a still more competitive level!
Important in the middle of these pressing scenarios will be the support that Hall Recruitment gives — to our clients and our candidates alike!
Pivotal to both, Hall Recruitment works with clients and candidates to fast track the process of recruitment in a manner satisfactory to both parties.
For employers, we take care of the talent search and reduce the volume of candidates to a shortlist of the best in the market. Next we interview and vet all those candidates, choosing only those who are the best fit for our client’s firms. This leaves our clients to fill their vacancies from our shortlist, comprising only those staff properly experienced, and qualified, to handle the roles for which they are being appointed.
For candidates, being registered with Hall Recruitment positions them to be considered for the key roles in: Facilities Management, Accounting, H.R. & Training, Office Support, and Supply Chain Management.
We apply our expertise in assessing your skills, your personality, your nature, your preferences to determine which roles are commensurate with your experience and your goals. Registering with us puts you on the inside track, ahead of the curve where you’ll be positioned for some of the best roles in your sector. You’ll be perfectly poised, so we can suggest you to employers, as and when a vacancy for which you would be qualified arises.
Our Job Done
It’s the job we do, and it’s the reason why so many clients and candidates are delighted with the service they get from using the service we provide.
We look forward to welcoming you among them in twenty-twenty-one…sorry, 2021, of course.