What are the benefits to Temping?
- Do you need more work experience?
- Are you looking for a flexible work schedule?
When you sign up with Hall Recruitment as a temp, you will work for some of Ireland’s top international firms, building your contacts and developing your skills. Working with Hall Recruitment you will benefit by working with the preferred recruiter for Irish Businesses and enjoy the additional bonus of a weekly paycheck at competitive rates.
Meet Our Team
Our recruiters specialise in temporary placements. We will assist you as you build your CV and guide you through the process to ensure a successful placement for both you and our clients. For more information about us please click here.


Frequently Asked Questions:
Our director Vivienne has answered some of our most frequently asked questions regarding temporary recruitment.
What is involved in ‘Temping’?
Temping involves working in short-term contracts for businesses.
These positions are only available short-term to cover people who are for example:
Away on holidays
On sick-leave
On maternity leave
Needed during busier periods in the year.
What are the benefits of Temping?
Temping is a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience and professional references.
For example, if you are a recent college graduate or have taken some time off to raise a family, temping provides a great opportunity to enhance your CV.
Depending on the roles available at the time, it also provides some flexibility for study/care of children.
What are the skills we look for in temps?
Our clients often request temps with these skills. While we don’t expect our temps to have all these skills if you have some of them you could be one of our preferred candidates and make some extra money.
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Microsoft Teams
- Data Entry
- Administration
- Customer Service
- Accounting
- Multitasking
- Relationship Building
- Scheduling
- Telephone Skills
- Team Player
- Following Direction
- Payroll
During this time, I have received a professional and dedicated service, while also forming a warm working relationship with both Catherine and Vivienne.
I have received regular contact from the agency during my long-term assignments and always felt a valued member of their team.
I would have no hesitancy in recommending Hall Recruitment as a Recruitment provider.
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If you have any additional questions please use the form below and we will get back to you ASAP.